

The practice of physical education and the teaching of values are closely related, but it is important to note that the values ​​that are transmitted are not always positive. This will depend on the teacher in charge, their teaching style and the values ​​that I consider important to transmit to their students. For this reason, today we will analyze some examples of educational experiences in physical education and their contributions to the development of individuals.

Integration and respect for the other

Perhaps one of the most important values ​​in teaching is that of respect for others, and that of inclusion, because it is about sharing with other people, even if they are different, and always respecting others. These are perhaps the two most widespread positive values ​​within the practice of physical education. It will try to find ways so that anyone can participate, feel integrated in a group, loved, listened to and also criticized in what deserves to be improved.

However, we cannot deny that teaching has, in addition to the theoretical spectrum, a practical spectrum where the personality and the educational objectives of the teacher are the key to understanding the type of student they will be in the future.

Teaching through play

The games and playful experiences in general are an excellent tool to teach values, but it is important to pay attention to what happens in the environment. For example, if in the middle of a game or sport there is a conflict situation, it is important to stop the activity, explore the value to be highlighted and achieve a dialogue with the students so that they are the ones who detect and learn to defend and promote a space for dialogue.

Imposing our belief about values ​​is not the solution either, since it ends up generating a rejection and a new source of conflict within those players or students who have not yet incorporated the new educational value.

The repetition of the events

Another important point when developing extensive work plans with the courses is to maintain consistency. We must respond in the same way to events, regardless of whether the student who made the mistake is among those who always behave or those who enjoy making noise. It must be remembered that the image of the adult is fundamental for children, and if they see that we differentiate ourselves from a similar attitude in another student, the values ​​we seek to teach are upset.

The teaching of values through physical education has to be centered on positive values. Of course we can find teachers who think that it is necessary to teach selfish, violent and low-harmony values ​​for the group, but the key is that the best teachers and with ideas more committed to personal development, are valued and can transmit their knowledge and ideas to the rest of the course.

Play, have fun, reflect and do physical education while enjoying knowing the beauty of the scenarios and the many expectations to achieve a better society where the students themselves see and face situations of injustice.

Benefits of daily physical activity

Known are the many benefits that exercise regularly and avoid sedentary lifestyle having for our health. And not only on a physical level, but also on a mental level, where our brain is also activated by physical activity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been able to define physical activity as “all the movements that are part of daily life, including work, recreation, exercise and sports activities.”

That is why it is very important to keep in mind that a very intense movement is not required to be doing well to our body. But it is necessary that it be day by day.

From going up or down stairs, dancing and singing, walking, lifting certain weights and other activities that we do every day without almost realizing it, our body starts moving and this is very favorable for our health.

However, it is necessary to clarify that sometimes these activities end up being insufficient and a greater effort is required so that our body is optimal in its health conditions.

For an adult who is living a sedentary life, doing 30 minutes of exercises a day at medium or moderate intensity will help prevent a large number of diseases if you usually do these exercises several days a week.

But this same activity is not necessary for the person to do it in a row. Rather, you will be able to alternate it during several periods of your days. The purpose is to do the exercise (s), no matter at what time, but to do them on a daily basis.

A large number of people die each year in the world from diseases related to sedentary lifestyles. Bad habits increase the risks of acquiring these diseases as well.

It should also be borne in mind that it is not necessary to spend large amounts of money to be able to perform physical activity. Even this can be free, just the predisposition is enough and inform us a little about what it would be best for us to do according to our needs.

The benefits of a moving body are manifold. They highlight the energy expenditure, which comes hand in hand with a caloric balance and therefore, a control of our own weight.

The risks of suffering cerebro-vascular accidents, as well as heart disease, are significantly reduced. As well as the non-appearance of type II diabetes. The reduction in contracting colon cancer, breast cancer and other diseases is noticeably reduced when exercising on a daily basis.

And not to mention how well it does to reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as helps us control hypertension. For all these reasons and many more, the absence of exercise in our daily lives ends up being a very harmful factor for our health and something to which we must pay close attention.

It is remarkable how more and more people in the world acquire sedentary habits, many times enhanced by their own jobs that force them to spend many hours sitting in front of a computer.

That is why we must be very aware of this reality and do something more for our bodies, in order to improve our quality of life on a daily basis.

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