

Things to do before selling your PC computer laptop or MAC. Factors to keep in mind before you sell your laptop, macbook or home computer PC. Follow these steps to protect your data.

Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before Selling A Pc or Apple Mac


Often many of us have to sell our pc (personal computer) and that would be due to any reason, it may be due to an upgrade, moving on with your personal life where your work is not related to this and you don’t require it anymore or even if you need instant cash but the real question do you really think before making that final call? If you want to repair your laptop before selling. Or thinking to sell your device due to any problems that you are facing while using it. Then we suggest you to contact TechZones and get free advice. We can fix your device in UK, as we are providing laptop repair service in London. We can repair your device and make it look like new one.

What Is A PC or A Mac After All?

A pc (personal computer) it is also known as a micro-computer and this can only be used by one person at a time, we often find them in our homes, offices and companies that require its existence such as IT firms (Information technology). It is large in size but enough to fit on your work table making it easier for you to work at your comfort, it consists of a mouse, keyboard, monitor and a CPU (central processing unit) without this it would not be able to perform any task. Similarly, Mac (Macintosh) this type of computers Is relatively popular with graphic and web designers and they come in a variety of models with extremely fast processors so multi-tasking can take place and easy to use by ordinary people. Macs are only made by Apple.

Why Is There A Need to Sell?

 Many of us feel the urge to sell our pc or our mac because we think we don’t require its services any longer that’s because we do not use it anymore and all it does is stay shut in the corner of the house, the place where we once used to play on it or work professionally, so we assume that we should sell it as it is losing its value and its life overtime but do you really think that should be done or it can still wait?

Questions to Ask Before You Make the Final Call

Is Your Data Clear?

Before you sell your PC or your Mac you need to make sure that you have cleared your data all of your personal data so that the person you are selling too should not get access to that your personal data such as your credit card information or your private pictures, your personal data can also include your office related work that may be sensitive to your firm and if someone else gets access to it then it may put you in deep water, so it’s always better to format your personal computer and clean sweep it before selling it

Have You Backed Up Your Files?

when you’re about to make the final call of selling your personal computer or your Mac to someone you need to make sure that you have backed up your files because those files include all of your personal data the office related work your families’ pictures, they can be your firm’s projects and you won’t get any of them back to someone once you’ve sold your computer to someone else because he will surely be formatting it before using it or installing the software of his own choice.

Replace Any Faulty Component

Everything in your PC should be working perfectly as if you sell your computer to someone without telling them that there is a faulty component then it would count as fraud and you would have to repay him for that component or he can even return it to you and that would hurt you financially so it’s always better to check your PC before selling it to someone, check every component and even the security software

Clean Your Pc

you need to make sure that your PC is clean of stickers or any type of dust particles, dust particles often get stuck between the keys and often inside the casing of the CPU, justice usually found around the fan and it’s very important to clean that as it does not give a good impression to the buyer and it also ruins a PC’s look and performance thus you need to make sure that your PC is clean as it will benefit you in two ways, first it will attract the buyer second your PC will give a good performance and won’t even overheat

What Is Your Mac Worth?

when you take the decision to sell your Mac you need to think toys, as you may not be able to afford a Mac every now and then because apple releases a newer model every year and that too costly because they add up new features, so you need to make sure that selling your Mac will it benefit you in the long term or financially hit you in the heart, and is selling really worth it.

Erase Your Mac and Reinstall MacOS?

Although you have raised all of your data but it’s necessary to reinstall Mac OS as sometimes your Mac gives a recovery option and the buyer or the person you sell it to can use it to his advantage and can gain access to all of your sensitive information and use it criminally or in any way, he wants that can be either for blackmail etc. So always better the first erase your Mac and reinstall your Mac OS while it’s connected to the Internet.

Clean Your Mac

you need to make sure to get clear of your stickers and dust if there is any on your Mac as you need to give that glossy look for the buyer to attract him plus if you have scratches you need to get rid of them immediately as they might be a reason for losing your cash as everyone likes to buy what clean and what’s perfect, you also might want to wipe down your case and your keyboard as dust get stuck between the keys due to which they might not work on the buyer may think that you sold him something faulty creating confusion.


There are many factors to be considered before making the final call to sell your PC or Mac but it totally depends on your preference if you think you will benefit from it in the long term then you should definitely go for it but if you think this won’t get you anywhere then it’s a big no.

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